“Compassion is not a mere luxury. As the source both of inner and external peace, it is fundamental to the continued survival of our species.”
–The Dalai Lama
The name of our Community says it all: “Divine Compassion.” Our founder Msgr. Preston reminds us that “in it is contained all we hope to be.”
For our 135 years, we have taught, counseled, accompanied, and healed, and we continue to do those things, and more. Our hope is that in all of it we bring together that same combination of gifts – strength and tenderness – that Jesus modeled in every encounter. In every age we witness the result of one of these characteristics without the other; strength tending toward harshness, and tenderness becoming overly sentimental and ineffective. Their synergy is compassion, the only thing, we are told, that can heal the world.
We are inaugurating a bold, new initiative that will be wide in scope.
These pages will update you, offer ways to think about compassion and be its presence in your life, and challenge you to move beyond “safe spaces.”